Tuesday, September 19, 2006

News Update --- Plans and Big Ideas

Business has been wonderful and I truely appreciate all my new collectors. I am selling paintings now faster than I can paint new ones. I have several large pieces in the works:

A large version of Happy Hour. This new rendition will be 18 x 24 inches.

I am almost finished with Lady in Red sings the Blues (working title). This piece is 30 x 40.

I am still painting small pieces from the Fripp Collection. I am planning on doing larger versions of the Fripp Collection on 16 x 20 and 18 x 24 inch canvas.

I have plans for a companion piece to The Shadow. It will be a compliment piece with a blue accent intead of the red.

I will be spending the weekend with the girls in Chapel Hill. Miranda and I will be sweeping Courtney off her feet and out of the dorm for shopping, movies, and wandering in galleries.

When I get home, it will be time to seriously get started putting everything that I see in my head on canvas. Wish me luck!!

Thanks for checking in....


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    hi mom!
    well i was just checking in to see what you were up to! sounds like everything is going great! i can't wait to see you this weekend! i miss you!! love you ver much!

