Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Upcoming Etsy event, New Watercolors

New Watercolors in the Series
Pear Series Four

Cherries Series One
Abstract Series One - The Butterfly

The watercolor series has been a big hit. I am selling paintings before I can put them on the blog or update all the websites.

I am extra-busy this week getting paintings ready to go to Chapel Hill. If you notice some of the larger paintings are no longer listed, they are currently being displayed at Chapel Hill.

I am going to be featured in the Esty Showcase this Sunday, September 9, 2007. Hopefully, there will be some new stuff added before then. But, if there is something you like, get it before the Sunday rush. www.torriesmiley.etsy.com

I will be away from the studio Friday and Saturday, so if you purchase then and don't here from me---don't worry, all is well. I am going to Atlanta to see ZZ-Top in concert! I will be home late Saturday and will email you confirmation for your purchases.

Thanks for stopping by and your continued interest in my art!


Art available for purchase at:




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