Monday, April 07, 2008

Two Red Pears, New Painting today! ~~SOLD~~

Two Red Pears - SOLD
6" x 6" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Available for purchase directly from Artist

This is the newest pear painting! I am almost out of the case of 6" x 6" canvas that I purchased. I have enjoyed them so much. I will definitely have to order more. That is the down side of living in a small town. --No art stores. The last time I drove to Charlotte to buy canvas, they were out of my size. Since gas is ridiculously expensive, I think I will just continue to order online from The staff at Cheap Joes are wonderful and ordering is simple, but I miss strolling down the aisle looking at all the pretty art supplies and wondering what I could do with them.... My favorite is looking at the pastels. A wall of color neatly organized and on is like a rainbow on the wall. Well, back to the real world.
I do have the water lily pond started....I guess I am intimidated by the beautiful ponds of Monet....I have been putting off really getting into it. I will post it as soon as I have conquered my fear and finished it.
I have recently opened a store on At my zazzle store you will be able to buy stamps, mouse pads, note cards, coffee cups and many other items made from my original paintings. I will not be selling any prints of my paintings, just gift items. I have not fully stocked the store yet, so if there is a painting you would like to have made into note cards, postage stamps, etc..., just email me and I will add the item to the store.
Well, I had better get going. So much to do.....
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the new painting!

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