Thursday, October 03, 2024

The Rocks of Lake Lure before the storm

 The Rocks of Lake Lure
16" x 20" 
Acrylic on Canvas

The Wittmer Collection
May 16, 2007

One of the first large landscapes I painted after a trip to Lake Lure.  It was purchased by the Wittmers of the Lake Lure Inn and added to their collection.

This has been a very difficult week.  The amount of devastation in the mountains of western North Carolina is hard to comprehend.  I am so fortunate my family is safe with little damage and back home with power restored.  

I will be spending this weekend in upper Cleveland County near South Mountain in my daughter's home. I will be back to the studio next week.

Thank you for stopping by,


Monday, September 23, 2024

Hanging out with the Kids!


The past few weeks have been filled with the kids and travel!  I went to Charlottesville, Virginia to see the kids and celebrate their anniversary.  Charlottesville is not that far from Charlotte and the scenery is beautiful.  It makes me very anxious to get started on new landscape paintings.

Then a quick trip to the country to celebrate Miss Lucy's 10th birthday.  We watched her soccer game and then had a birthday cookie.  While in Casar, I noted a barn that needs to be in a landscape painting!  Good thing I will going back in a couple of weeks.

The Guild of Charlotte Artists major event ~ the PopUp Market at the Mint Museum was this past weekend.  I had a blast!!  I did not sell my work at the market.  When the event was in the planning stages, I was still working full time so I didn't have time to devote to painting.  I volunteered to help the artists unload and set up their booths.  It was so much fun, and very inspiring to see so many wonderful artworks in one location.  

Now off to finish updating my studio~ 

Thank you for stopping by~


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Summer Strawberries


Summer Strawberries 
6" x 6" x 1.5"
Acrylic Paint on Deep Profile Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Available for Purchase

Love this painting!  Well love-hate this painting.  It was much harder than I thought it would be and took way longer to complete than I thought it would, but I am very happy with the result.  Fresh strawberries in a transparent blue bowl.  The dish was found in the garage of my daughter's new home when she moved in during the spring of 2020.  It is sitting on my Amazon dish towel.  

Since retiring from the "real job", I am slowly working my way up to daily painting.  My studio needed a much needed clean up (almost 20 years of clutter and hoarding art supplies).  I am looking forward to a slimmed down studio with more room to be creative.

Here are some progress shots of the painting.  I am trying to get better about taking pictures as I am painting.  I know that is a fan favorite, but I sometimes get so caught up in the painting process; I forget to takes pictures.  

This painting is available for purchase at or in my Etsy Store.

Thank you for stopping by~


Monday, September 02, 2024



Full of Hope
24" x 30"
Acrylic Paint on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Collection of the Artist

I'm back!  How many times over the years I have said this.  Now is the time--I have waited years to paint full time and enjoy my art adventure.  I retired in June and hit the ground running.  I have completed three shows and am working at getting back to daily painting full time!

I am now on the board of the Guild of Charlotte Artists and having the time of my life.

Full of Hope was created for the Myers Park United Methodist Church Gallery opening.  I love how the painting turned out and is one of my favorites.  I have decided to keep this one for a while.  

You can purchase prints of the painting at Fine Art

I am not quite back up to painting.  I am cleaning up my studio and completing some commissioned work and then the fun will begin!  

Thank you all for continuing to follow my work.

Current works available can be found at my website


Sunday, February 02, 2020

How it all started...About me...

Yellow Pears I  -  2005  

                                                           One Yellow Pear - 2020

I have been drawing as long as I can remember.  I spent more time drawing in class when I probably should have been paying attention.  In high school, I had my first opportunity to paint with a wonderful local artist Nell Bennett.  That is when I fell in love with painting.  I really can’t call myself self-taught because there are so many people through the years who have helped me be a better artist.  
As with many of artists, the slight detour came when I became an adult and fell victim to the phrase; “You need to get a real job, painting is a hobby not a career.” 
Fast forward twenty years, my daughter had an art class project that she, of course, waited until the last weekend to start.  She had to complete a painting for art class.  I told her I used to paint back in the day, and we would paint together.  We bought acrylic paint since she needed it to be dry by Monday.  We both started from the same reference photo.  That weekend was all that it took—
Being a single mom with two teenage girls, painting kept me from going crazy!.  Painting was my drug of choice, it was addicting. I soon realized I would not be able to afford my new “hobby” if I didn’t find a way to pay for the paint—quality art supplies are expensive.  I decided to put a few of my small paintings on eBay.  If they sold I could buy more paint!  I guess you could say the rest is history.  
Since that time, I have sold over 700 small daily paintings in my various online stores.  My children often referred to it as my hobby that got totally out of control.  I was fortunate to be selling art online and have been selling my art on Etsy since the early years.  I was one of the original artists to join Daily Paintworks started by Carol Marine and her husband David.  I have followed wonderful daily painting artists like Carol, David Keiser, and Qiang Huang along with many others which have helped me grow as an artist.  The explosion of painting websites, youtube, instagram, downloadable instruction videos, and online workshops make this a great time to be an artist.  
I am now painting both small daily paintings and larger paintings that I enter into local and online shows.  My paintings are available for sale here on my website, Daily Paintworks, and my Etsy Store.  Prints of my paintings are available through Fine Art America. 
If you would like to know when the new paintings are coming online before they are released, sign up for my new art alerts and newsletter. 
Thank you for stopping by and following my adventure!  I am having the time of my life! 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

New Year, New Website!

Robin's Two Eggs
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
18" x 24" 
Artist's Collection 

Happy New Year!  I have decided 2020 is going to be the best year ever!  I have started the new year off with a new website, a show at the McDowell Arts Center, and three new large paintings currently in progress!  My new website can be found at  

I will be sending out a newsletter soon with sneak peeks of all the paintings in progress!

We are going to have fun this year!

Thank you for stopping by and continuing to support my adventure!


Wednesday, May 29, 2019


24" x 30"
Acrylic Paint and Gold Leaf
Currently Showing at McDowell Arts Center Matthews, NC

This is my only abstract painting~  it was so much fun to paint, it may not be the last!  The idea came about due to a little brain trouble that led to some very interesting medication.  I am no longer on the drug that made everything so colorful, but hopefully will retain some of the wonderful, colorful ideas~

Scattered was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint and gold leaf on a museum quality gallery wrapped deep profile canvas with painted sides to allow for display without a frame. Painting was finished with a light coat of varnish. 

To see this painting, head to Matthews at the McDowell Arts Center for the Guild of Charlotte Artists show happening now~

Thanks for stopping by!


FIve Lemons

Five Lemons
18" x 24"
Acrylic on Deep Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Available for Purchase 

I have painted this composition a couple of times small.  I thought it was time to go big.  I love painting lemons and will be doing another lemon painting soon!

Five Lemons was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality gallery wrapped deep profile canvas with painted sides to allow for display without a frame. Painting was finished with a light coat of varnish. 

To see this painting and all the current available paintings to purchase, stop by my store.

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, August 05, 2018

Pink Flamingo V

Pink Flamingo V
20" x 20"
Acrylic Paint on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

LOVE, Love, love this painting! But, then I love all things flamingo.  So fun to paint!  

Pink Flamingo V was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality gallery wrapped deep profile canvas with painted sides to allow for display without a frame. Painting was finished with a light coat of varnish. 

Now time to get started on the large landscape.  I will post progress pictures as soon as the painting starts.

To see this painting and all the current available paintings to purchase, stop by my store.

Thanks for stopping by~


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Robin's Two Eggs

Robin's Two Eggs
24" x 30"
Acrylic on Canvas

My painting has returned from the Guild of Charlotte Artists Show.  I have decided to keep this one for myself.  I know when I have done my best work!  Prints are available at my gallery on  Click here to view the items available using this image.

Work continues on the Flamingo. I will have more pictures to post by the end of the weekend.  I have also decided what the next painting will be.......hint....LANDSCAPE!

Thanks for stopping by~


Sunday, July 08, 2018

Flamingo painting ~ more progress

In Progress 20" x 20" Flamingo

Painting large can be slow going.  I will be slowly adding the layers of feathers.  I hope you have enjoyed following along.  

Visit my store to find paintings currently available for purchase.

Thanks for stopping by~


Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Flamingo in Progress

Flamingo in Progress
20" x  20" x  1.5"

Here are progress shots from today's painting.  I will be starting on the bill next, then the body.

Tomorrow I will be spending the day with the children~  steaks on the grill and playing at the pool.

More pictures later in the week ~  

In the meantime, visit my Etsy store to see paintings currently available for purchase~

Thanks for stopping by,


Monday, July 02, 2018

Has it been two years!


Pears Green and Gold
8" x 8" x 1.5"
Acrylic Paint on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I can't believe I have been away from my blog for so's to fresh starts!  

I currently have a large painting in a show that ends next week.  There is a new flamingo painting on the easel and more small paintings to come!  Check back tomorrow for a progress shot of the flamingo in progress.

To see all the current available paintings, stop my my gallery at DailyPaintworks or my store.

Thanks for stopping by~


Monday, January 02, 2017

2016 ~ a very slow year for painting


The Paintings of 2016

2016 was a slow year for painting!  I completed around 20 paintings~ There was just too much going on to have time to paint.  Hopefully, 2017 will be all about painting!  I want to paint daily, not necessarily finishing a painting daily, since I want to paint bigger!!

Several of the paintings of 2016 (some of my favorites) are currently available for purchase at my store.

Up next~  a large nest painting for a show in February~  I will post pictures.

Thank you for continuing to follow my work~


Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Lemon Tree

The Lemon Tree
6" x  6"
Acrylic Paint on Ampersand Gessobord

This is one of my very favorite paintings, one I thought of keeping~ but, there is no room in the studio to keep all of my favorites.  

The Lemon Tree was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality Ampersand Gessobord with painted sides to allow for display framed or placed on a small easel.  

I am currently working on four commissioned paintings~ hopefully, will have something new for the stores soon~

Thank you for stopping by~



Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day 18 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ The Nest

The Nest 
5" x  7"
Acrylic Paint on Canvas Panel

But not for me, this is painting Eleven for me.  Last week was an extremely difficult week, there was no painting, no inspiration.  I used that time to reflect on how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family.  Now it's time to get back to work!

I love the new painting!  I will be painting a larger version to keep for myself.  

The Nest has sold.  

To view more paintings currently available for purchase, please visit my store.

Thank you for stopping by~


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Day Ten of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ Wine and Grapes


Wine and Grapes
5" x  7"
Acrylic Paint on Canvas Panel

I had high hopes of getting caught up today~  no such luck.  I knew when I started this painting it would be time consuming....but I am so happy with the result.  

I will be spending the evening catching up on stuff like laundry and getting ready for the work week. I also have to ship a painting that sold today.   There will be plenty of time to get caught up.  (Famous last words!)

Wine and Grapes was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality canvas panel with painted sides to allow for display without a frame.  This painting will easily slide into a frame or can be placed on a small display easel.  

Thank you for stopping by~


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Day Nine of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ Three Lemons

Three Lemons
6" x  6"
Acrylic Paint on Ampersand Gessobord

Playing catch up!  I am going to try and finish day ten today, but I do have a date for the Greek Festival tonight, so it may be tomorrow.  It is getting more challenging, not only the time aspect but thinking of something to paint.  Everything that is floating in my head needs to go on a larger canvas and can't be completed in one day......

Three Lemons was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality Ampersand Gessobord with painted sides to allow for display without a frame on a small easel or framed. 
Next up~  No hints today!  Check back again later.

Thank you for stopping by~


Friday, September 09, 2016

Day Eight of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days! Me and My Shadow II

Me and My Shadow II
8" x  8"
Acrylic Paint on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Okay ~ stop looking at your calendar!  It is the 9th....painting everyday is one thing, but trying to get a good quality photo with natural light is impossible to do after dark creating a slight delay~  The weekend is finally here and I can paint and photograph in the same day.

I love painting pears!  They are so versatile.  No two ever look alike.  When I shop for them in the store, I have to do a "test drive" before purchasing---I have to stand it up and make sure it stays upright, quite a few are so lopsided they fall over.

Me and My Shadow II was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality gallery wrapped canvas with painted sides to allow for display without a frame. 

Next up~  LEMONS!

Thank you for stopping by~


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Day 7!!! 30 Paintings in 30 Days ~ Autumn Pear

Autumn Pear
6" x 6"
Acrylic Paint on Ampersand Gessobord

I have to admit ~ I AM EXHAUSTED!!! Working all day, fighting traffic on 485, getting home and painting, and trying to get to bed before the alarm goes off in the morning.  I would not be able to do this without Kevin's support.  He is kind enough not to expect dinner or conversation every evening.

This is by far my all time favorite pear, and I have painted a lot of pears.  The funny part of this, I was happy with the painting while I was working on it, but it wasn't until I took photos to upload to the computer that I noticed the leaves~ the ones I didn't know I painted.  One of those "happy accidents" that you wonder how it happened.  Look in the background just above the two leaves on the left....there is a leaf!  Look on the right in the background the clear image of a white leaf!  I didn't plan it, I didn't even know it at the time.  

Autumn Pear was painted using professional artist grade acrylic paint on a museum quality Ampersand Gessobord with painted sides to allow for display without a frame.  This painting can be framed or placed on a small display easel.  

Thank you for stopping by~


Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Day Six of the 30 in 30~ Months in the Making!

Porch Water Lilies 
48" x  48"
Acrylic Paint on Cradled Hardboard
~Collection of the Artist~

I painted all day.....just a bit different.  I needed to varnish this large painting to get it out of the dining room! I chose to varnish it with Spar Polyurethane varnish, similar to what is used on boats.  After giving the time needed to allow the paint to completely dry, I researched what varnish would be best to use to protect the painting from the weather.  The location on the front porch where the painting will go does not get direct sun or rain, but the painting will endure temperature change throughout the year.

I laid the painting flat on two buckets to elevated it off the ground and make sure it was level so the varnish would go on smoothly.  I followed the directions on the can and applied three generous coats of varnish, lightly sanding between each coat.  It took all day as I waited two hours between coats and then two hours for it to dry before moving it.  The varnish was amazing!  The underpainting colors came to the surface and the colors in the water were so much better than I expected.  It is now at home on the porch.  The deep blue of the water really looks nice with my pink house.  I might start a trend with my large porch painting ~

Now off to get started on day seven!

Thank you for stopping by~
