Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tea with Lemons, New painting at

New Painting in the Flow Blue Series
Tea with Lemons 8" x 10" Acrylic on Canvas
This is the newest addition to the Flow Blue Series of paintings. Tea with Lemons is currently available for purchase in my
There will be more fruit and bowl paintings coming up. I also plan on new martini paintings for the new year.
The studio sale continues at Stop by and add to your current collection.
Thanks for stopping by.....I have to get back to painting.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Studio Sale!

Cherries Series Three $10
One of the paintings on Sale at!
It is time to start a new year, new ideas, and new paintings. I need to make room! I will be offering paintings from 2007 and 2006 at lower prices in my Etsy store:
Some of your favorites may be included in the sale. This is a good time to add to your collection.
Thanks to my collectors for such a wonderful year!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
Miranda and Sadie, Courtney and Stella,

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lemons and Red Bowl Available for Purchase at

Lemons and Red Bowl

I am still painting lemons. Lemons and Red Bowl is continuing to paint my bag of lemons with my new bowls I received for Christmas. Lemons and Blue Bowl has already found a home in Virgina. I am currently working on my Flow Blue teapot with lemons. It should be completed by the end of the week.

I am finishing up Christmas portraits and then I will be working on larger paintings because I am currently out of 8 x 10 canvas. I will have to make a trip to Cheap Joe's in Charlotte soon.

This new painting is currently listed in my store.

Well, back to the studio.....there is wet paint drying.

Thanks for stopping by...


Monday, December 17, 2007

Lemons and Blue Bowl Available on Etsy and eBay

Lemons and Blue Bowl

Available for purchase at:

I am exhausted!! Courtney is home and there is something going on all the time. I am having trouble finding time to paint. There is so much laundry! The cooking and the cleaning that I can usually avoid is definitely here for the holidays! Miranda has been taking over my art room....she gets into my stuff!!! Sure, she was in the Fine Arts Program at UNC....but it is MY STUDIO---well now, that's off my chest, I feel better now.
This is my newest painting and I am quite proud of it. I had a collector in Finland ask me to paint more I did! I bought a big bag of lemons and got busy. Ideas of what to paint for me is the hardest thing. Thanks Sari for the suggestion....I hope you enjoy the series of lemon paintings to come.
Lemons and Blue Bowl is available for purchase in my eBay store,, and
Tonight I have to finish the family Christmas cards, tomorrow we are making the gingerbread house. Hopefully, I can sneak painting in here and there...
Thanks for stopping by and your continuing support!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Pears, New painting listed on eBay

The Pears

"The Pears" will be listed for auction on eBay today. This painting was done using the same muted gray-green tones in the background as was used for the Flow Blue paintings. I bought an new Flow Blue pitcher today. I will be using it another Flow Blue painting, hopefully starting it tonight. I will be doing a larger painting using these Flow Blue pieces in group together. Probably starting it by the end of the week.
Well, off to the post office. I am sending the portrait swap painting to Austria today. I hope Nic and Murphy like their new painting.
Thanks for checking in.
Link to all that is Torrie Smiley, Original Works of Art at

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Sugar and Eggs, New painting on eBay

Sugar and Eggs
Available for purchase at:
This is the newest painting available for purchase on This is the second "Flow Blue" painting I have done.
My webhosting company has completed a software upgrade--- I will not be able to update may website for about 1-2 weeks ( I will be updating current paintings and news through my blog and my page until the website is again fully functional.
Here is the link to the squidoo page:
This is the most comprehensive listing of all my art and activities.
Well, today is Sadie Mae's birthday! She is three years old---21 in doggie years. She will get a cheeseburger Happy Meal to celebrate the occasion (we will not tell the vet, Dr. Nic, it will be our secret).
Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Lemons and Cream, New painting on eBay

New Painting - Lemons and Cream

Available for Purchase at:

This is a Flow Blue creamer with two bright yellow lemons (8" x 10" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas).
Up next will be a new pear painting. I have not done a pear painting in a while.
Keep up to date on all the websites and news at my squidoo page:
A complete list of websites and news of Torrie Smiley Art.
Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, December 02, 2007

New Puppies!

New Puppy Art!

White Dog

Available for Purchase at:

Brown Dog

Available for Purchase at:
I recently painted Murphy and Nik for the Portrait Swap on and I had such a wonderful time painting Murphy (hound-collie mix), I decided to try some more pet pictures in oil this time. These are small oil paintings on 6" x 6" canvas panels you can either frame or put on a small display easel.
These were supposed to be a West Highland Terrier puppy and a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, but the Yorkshire terrier ended up looking like a Cairn Terrier instead....well, guess I will just practice some more. I still have not painted my Stella (black and tan dachshund wiener) or my sweet Sadie (pound puppy mix).
Today, I will be starting a small acrylic painting (8 x 10) on gallery wrapped canvas. This will be of a blue and white creamer with a yellow lemon. You will see it listed on eBay soon!
Thanks for stopping by.