Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans~
I disappeared for a while. Things have been so busy between family and work and getting everyone back to their respective schools--don't forget to add in car trouble and general scheduling conflicts.
Now that everyone is settled where they need to be, it is time to get back to work. I have missed painting. Here is a collection of what has happened since we visited last.
Pear for Kevin4" x 5" x 1.5"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
My dear sweet Kevin has waited patiently and reminded me often about how much he wanted me to paint a pear with a bite out of it--- much like the one on the backside of his girlfriend "iPhone". Well, I finally took the time to paint what he wanted. I don't think much of it, but he was really pleased.
Audrey Grace
Time flies when you are having fun! It has been almost a year since Miss Audrey arrived. She came to spend Grandparent's Day with me and Kevin. She also had a checkup scheduled at Levine Children's Hospital so we spent several days together before she had to go home. We had so much fun. We picked out her Halloween costume, her dress for Thanksgiving, and helped her mom make plans for the upcoming birthday party. Being a grandma is fabulous!

Lemons in Red Bowl IV
I have recently participated in Art Shows at I was thrilled and honored to have my Lemons and Red Bowl IV chosen as Member's Choice of the "Still Life with Lemon" show.
Remember when I was working feverishly to finish my submissions for the "Ripped Off Show" My painting that I ripped from Sherry Key was chosen Member's Mention. My painting that I ripped from Amanda Makepeace was selected as Patron's Choice by the non-members of the website. I love participating in the shows at, they are challenging and it is so rewarding to be recognized for your work.
Sherry's Rain
Orchid for Amanda
Well, that about brings us up to date~ painting tonight with a new small pear painting to be listed tomorrow, something in fall colors.
I will be finishing up the rooster and maybe I will paint a baby chick with an egg to go with it. I have the idea in my head for a ladybug painting.....I might try to get that on canvas by the end of the week. Of course, there will be more pears....and maybe a cupcake!
Thanks for stopping by~