Sunday, September 30, 2007
Cleveland County Fair
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Old Red Boat
New Pear Painting
Two Pears - Pear painting in progress.
This is the photo reference that was used to paint Two Pears. I really don't know how my brain took the two green and red pears above and turned it into this.......but, I hope it remembers how... I do believe art comes from both skill, god-given talent, and dumb luck.
Thanks for stopping by... I am working on the old red boat in oil, so I am covered in paint....
Saturday, September 22, 2007
More Martinis and Marbles
eBay store auction:
Just off the easel and newly listed to eBay. Lost Marbles Series Five will be the last marble series painting for a while. There are other things to do and I have really run out of inspiration for marbles. If a new idea for marbles hits me, they will be back. But, it may be a while.
I have not painted Martini, Stirred for a while and I am really happy the way this one turned out.
I am going to the studio to work on the boat painting. I will post it as soon as it is done.
I have not done a large landscape in a while, I think it is time....
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Watercolors and Big Bird 2007
These two pears are my absolute favorites so far of the series. I still cannot get a picture of the paintings that I am happy with, they are much prettier and softer in person.
I am still painting Marbles. I have one more drawn but not painted.
Watercolor paintings are available for purchase at:
I have yet to start the boat painting currently titled, Dad's Old Red Boat. It is drawn on a small 8" x 10" canvas panel - but still waiting for paint. I am still pondering ---acrylic or oil?
I have not given up the Low Country art, I am just taking a short break, catching up on requests.
I will be "painting live" at the Cleveland County Fair Art Exhibit, Sunday, September 30, 2007. You may see works from the fair available for sale in early October - complete with Fair dust and funnel cake grease.
Well, I had better get busy. Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
New Watercolors
Pear Series Eight and Nine are currently listed on Etsy, but I am unhappy with the pictures, so I am going to take some more shots tomorrow morning when there is good sunlight to get clearer pictures, if they have not sold by then.
The watercolor series has been more popular than I imagined. There are some that you may have missed because they sold in about 45 minutes after listing on I have a new marble series watercolors that will be listed tomorrow (again, to get a decent picture).
I have a red boat ready to paint, but I can't get away from the water color. After this next batch, I will be taking a short watercolor break--(mainly, I will be out of paper and I buy it in Charlotte.)
I have been approached by So-Oh-Art Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska to add my paintings to their gallery. I am very excited and will update you as this progresses.
There is so much to do and so little time...
Back to the studio!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Back from the Concert in Atlanta!
The ZZ Top concert was amazing!! Chastain Theatre in Atlanta is the best outdoor concert venue. I had the greatest time. ZZ Top is wonderful! I have been inspired to do some ZZ Top art, something abstract with running watercolor.....must have been that funny smell that sparked the idea.
Traveling also has sparked the "hit the road and paint" nerve. There will be more Low Country/Charleston art to come and also wine art. There are several winery visits I plan to make.
Check back again soon. The ZZ Top art (if it comes out as good as it is in my head) will be posted soon.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Upcoming Etsy event, New Watercolors
The watercolor series has been a big hit. I am selling paintings before I can put them on the blog or update all the websites.
I am extra-busy this week getting paintings ready to go to Chapel Hill. If you notice some of the larger paintings are no longer listed, they are currently being displayed at Chapel Hill.
I am going to be featured in the Esty Showcase this Sunday, September 9, 2007. Hopefully, there will be some new stuff added before then. But, if there is something you like, get it before the Sunday rush.
I will be away from the studio Friday and Saturday, so if you purchase then and don't here from me---don't worry, all is well. I am going to Atlanta to see ZZ-Top in concert! I will be home late Saturday and will email you confirmation for your purchases.
Thanks for stopping by and your continued interest in my art!
Art available for purchase at: