Saturday, May 31, 2008

Martini, Stirred VIII - New Bar Art!

Martini, Stirred VIII

16" x 20" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

This is the newest painting in the Martini Series.
I have been commissioned to paint the complete Flow Blue Series for a collector. I will be busy with that for a while. I will try to work in a few new small paintings in between.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful! The flowers are blooming and the hydrangeas are going to be perfect this year. Look for floral paintings in the near future.
Well, off to paint!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Grandma's Lemons, New Painting!

Grandma's Lemons

8" x 10" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

This lemon press/juicer has been used to make lemon pies for five generations of my family. I had bought a bag of lemons to use in still life arrangements --after taking reference photos....we made a pie.
My apologies for my gallery being down for the last few days. which hosts my gallery lost a server. The new server is in place and the gallery is again up and running and even faster!
Currently working on new martini paintings. These should be done hopefully by the end of the long weekend.
I am really going to finish the landscape paintings in the studio.....the Monet style pond and the poppy landscape are on their way to being completed.
I have to weed the flower bed and plant the tomatos---then back to painting!
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Flow Blue and Lemons, New Painting!

Flow Blue and Lemons

Flow Blue and Lemons
Available for purchase
8" x 10" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

New Painting! Flow Blue with Lemons is the newest in the Flow Blue series. Finished this one last night. This is my favorite Flow Blue pitcher. It will probably be painted again---maybe with pears.
Miranda is coming home from her Florida vacation today. I am off to the airport to bring her home.
The next painting will be a plein air cloud painting for the show at if the weather cooperates!
Check back again soon!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Finally---New Paintings!

New Paintings Available for Purchase

Lemons and Red Bowl III
8" x 10" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

                                                                                        Pear Trio

8" x 10" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Paintings are available for purchase at the links on the right.

Things are getting back to normal, whatever that is.....Courtney has gone back to Chapel Hill. She will be taking classes this summer. Miranda is off to Florida for vacation and I will have a week to myself. Time to paint-paint-paint!

I have painted a new version of Lemons and Red Bowl. The lemon paintings have been fan favorites. There are more lemon paintings to come.

Pear Trio is a new pear painting. It wasn't planned. I just felt like pears.

Check back again soon. New paintings on the way!


Monday, May 05, 2008

Hi Honey, I'm Home!

Back from the Beach!

Me and my fabulous new camera are home from the beach. I took this picture from my fifth floor hotel room balcony of the birds on the beach. I had a marvelous time. The staff at the Patricia Grand Resort were very nice and the three days went by too fast! I took several pictures of children playing in the surf and on the beach. There will be watercolors of the vacation coming soon.

The baby is coming home for two weeks from Chapel Hill before she starts the summer classes. We will be grilling out and bonding before she leaves home again. She will also bring home great new ideas for paintings.

Well, I better get going. 250+ emails to catch up on and tons of sandy laundry.

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, May 02, 2008

To the BEACH!!

I am doing my part to stimulate the economy! I have taken my $600.00 from the Government and gone to the beach! I will be back when the cash runs out...
Look for new watercolors of the beach and other new fun paintings when I get home.
Torrie : )