Monday, December 10, 2007

The Pears, New painting listed on eBay

The Pears

"The Pears" will be listed for auction on eBay today. This painting was done using the same muted gray-green tones in the background as was used for the Flow Blue paintings. I bought an new Flow Blue pitcher today. I will be using it another Flow Blue painting, hopefully starting it tonight. I will be doing a larger painting using these Flow Blue pieces in group together. Probably starting it by the end of the week.
Well, off to the post office. I am sending the portrait swap painting to Austria today. I hope Nic and Murphy like their new painting.
Thanks for checking in.
Link to all that is Torrie Smiley, Original Works of Art at


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom!
I love the new pears :D Did you sell that doll you sent in the email? If so, congrats!!! I miss you! See you Friday - can't wait! Tell Uncle Chris to come up here and take my Geol exam - this professor is impossible :(

I love you!

Anonymous said...

also, did you sell the boat painting - if so, will you paint me a new one before i graduate college - i want one in my first apartment.. i want a nautical themed bathroom :)

so, again i procrastinated and looked through the blog - everything looks great :)
