Friday, August 28, 2009

Afternoon Tea II ~ 6" x 6"

Afternoon Tea II
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I love painting flow blue china. I have painted this composition before and liked it so much, I did it again.This is a Flow Blue China teacup with tea and a floating slice of fresh lemon. This painting is currently available for purchase in my Online Gallery and in my store.

This week has flown by~ and there is still so much to do. There will soon be a new rooster painting, another large pear painting, and large ballerina paintings to come. I will be drawing most of this weekend, hopefully, with something suitable to post on Monday.

Well, off to weekend adventures!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blue Morning ~ New large painting

Blue Morning
30" x 40"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Blue Morning was painted for Courtney's new apartment. Originally she wanted the painting in red, yellow, brown, and gold. Luckily, I called her after I sketched the painting to confirm (and to let her know I was finally starting her painting) and she totally changed all the colors.

Coming up next~ more ballerinas, martinis, and pears! I have so many paintings floating around in my head, I have to get busy and get them all on canvas.

Thanks for stopping by~ now, off to paint!


Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a GIRL~ Audrey Grace Wood

Audrey Grace Wood

This is my granddaughter, due to arrive January 25, 2010. Audrey was yawning, tired of her privacy being invaded. Needless to say, I am very excited about my new granddaughter.
If I seem a bit distracted, it is her fault.

Off to the studio to finish the large painting for Courtney's new apartment, I will post a picture tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by~

Torrie, also known as Grandma. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Friday, New Martini Painting~

Three Olive Martini VI
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have not painted a large martini painting in a while. This painting was half started and sitting in the corner of the studio, I felt sorry for it and finished it so it would not have to linger alone neglected in the corner. Three Olive Martini VI is currently available for purchase in my Gallery and in my store.

I had such a fun day yesterday when my painting "The Rocks of Lake Lure" was Art of the Day at Alas, my 24-hours is over and I am now a has-been. Thank you everyone for your kind words and emails.

I spent the afternoon yesterday looking for fixative to pursue my Doodle adventure. After driving 30 miles and visiting every art supply store in Gastonia (the fear of having to go all the way to Charlotte was beginning to set in) I found the only Windsor Newton fixative left in the city. I am very proud of myself for not stepping into Krispy Kreme.....the hot light was on!

After work this afternoon is the big with pastels and new fixative, or mop the nasty kitchen floor............I am not expecting company---no one but me will see the floor......
I will be drawing and playing in the studio; the dirty kitchen floor will be there tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by,


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Rocks of Lake Lure, Art of the Day~

The Rocks of Lake Lure
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I am so very excited to have "The Rocks of Lake Lure" selected for Art of the Day at I don't paint very many landscapes and this is a favorite of mine. It was purchased from by the current owner of The Lake Lure Inn and Spa for their Gallery. I am so happy it found a home at Lake Lure.

I have hit a small glitch in my pastel doodle adventure. ~No fixative. There is no art store in town, so ROAD TRIP! I will be off to the art supply store by the end of the week. Then, I will be back to work with the pastel doodles. Art supply stores are very dangerous for me, wandering down every aisle and looking at all the fabulous art supplies~wondering how much of it I can fit into the car......

I have spent this evening working on a large martini painting (16" x 20"). I should have it finished by the end of the week.

Thanks for stopping by,


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Asparagus and Tomato

Asparagus and Tomato
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have fallen in love with the Farmer's Market in Charlotte. This is the first painting of one of my wonderful finds at the market. I think I have become addicted to asparagus! Asparagus and Tomato is currently available for purchase in my online gallery and in my store.

I have been working on my new adventure in "Doodles". The first doodles will be added to the blog tomorrow. There will be pear doodles and a series of "Torso" doodles. These are all done in pastel on paper. They will be available for purchase, but only in my store.

Well, off to varnish paintings and then "Doodle". I have rented a movie that needs to go back, so I better watch it tonight!

Have a wonderful evening~


Monday, August 10, 2009

New Painting - Morning Cup

Morning Cup
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Happy Monday! Morning Cup just listed today is a new coffee painting. I am not a coffee drinker, just a coffee painter. This painting is available for purchase in my online gallery and in my store.

I have so many projects started it is difficult to list them all! I am working on Ballerina paintings, martini, and wine paintings.

Tomorrow, I will be listing a pastel drawing of a pear and updating you on my new adventure in "Doodles".

Well, off to the studio, there is an asparagus painting that is screaming to be finished!

Thanks for stopping by,


Monday, August 03, 2009

Happy Monday! New Pear Painting~

8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Pear VIII is the newest pear painting available for purchase in my online gallery and in my store.

This weekend I spent drawing. I have sketched new compositions on canvas to begin painting this evening. I will be painting a cup of coffee, a cup of tea with lemon, and a pomegranate wine painting. I guess I was thirsty......

I have also been working on the large painting for Courtney. She has mentioned the big blank wall in her apartment on several occasions. I will post a picture of the painting for you to see when it is done.

Well, off to the studio, so much to do~

Thanks for stopping by,
