Monday, December 29, 2008
New Pear Painting! The Golden Pear
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Avocado ~~ New painting today!
Art of the Day!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Two New Pear Paintings
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Getting Back to Work!
My first painting in my newly re-designed studio was a pear. I wanted to paint something familiar to get back into the swing of things!
This is the first painting from the new and improved studio. I will be posting the painting for sale some time tomorrow. I could not get a very good picture of the painting today~~it was too cloudy and rainy. Hopefully tomorrow the sun will shine long enough to get a good quality picture of the painting.
I spent the rest of the rainy day finishing up last minute Christmas shopping with Miranda. We had a wonderful time and ended the shopping adventure at Krispy Kreme!
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
When bad things happen~~
When I bought this house in 2003, I was very excited to have a small room off the living room to use as my studio. This enabled me to be close to the children and the activity in the living room, but still be doing my own thing. (You know how your kids want you to be close enough to answer when they say: "Mom", but not hovering .....) I have enjoyed my little room so much, over 350 paintings have been created here and shipped all over the world.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Avocado on Red and No Sushi on Tuesday!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Home for the Holidays!

Courtney is home from school for the Holidays. She looks thin, but I can fix that! Miranda is still in the middle of finals and she is very crabby!
I plan on painting all day today, there are several new paintings that need to be finished, at least that is the plan for now. Check back tomorrow evening and there should be a new sushi painting, an avocado still life (Miranda's dinner the other night), and another new flamingo painting.
Well, off to clean the kitchen, then to the studio!