Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tar Heel Born, Tar Heel Bred IV ~ Finally a new painting!

Tar Heel Born, Tar Heel Bred IV
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

"I'm a Tar Heel born, I'm a Tar Heel bred; and when I die, I'm a Tar Heel dead."
Whenever Courtney is home from Chapel Hill, I get the urge to paint Carolina blue.

This painting is available for purchase in my online gallery or in my Etsy.com store.
Trying to get back into the routine. I am getting used to the new studio. Lots of space, I just have to remember where I put everything. I will post pictures, once it is presentable. It is still a bit of a mess.


Finishing up commissions~ a lily pond painting, new rendition of Lemons and Red Bowl, and a new version of Alabama Cow.

Thanks for stopping by, now off to work~


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Audrey Grace

Miranda, Dustin, and Audrey

I am the luckiest woman in the world. I have a wonderful family that keeps getting bigger and better!

Audrey Grace is growing and doing really well. She is still living in the hospital in Asheville, but she has been moved from the NICU and is now living in the transition room with her parents waiting to get to go home. She still has the small defect in her heart that hopefully will resolve itself as she gets a few weeks older.

Now, it is time for Grandma to get back to work! I am finishing commissions that should have been done before the holidays and breaking in the new studio. Lots more room, new computer, and a TV...just for fun.

I am having my website redone, thanks to Seth at www.SethAWright.com He is working very hard to make me a fabulous website.....and I am trying not to drive him crazy. I will let you know when he is finished and the new site is online.

Now, off to get busy. I hope your Christmas holidays were as joy-filled as mine and your new year the best ever!


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

New Series of Pear Paintings ~

Golden Pear with Black
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Golden Pear with Red
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Golden Pear with Gold
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I experimented with different colors of underpainting. Three canvas were underpainted, one with red, one with gold, and the last one with black. The same color palette was used to complete the painting with the only difference being the color of the canvas. In the end, the shade of the underpainting came forth deeper after the varnish was applied.

It is nice to get back into the studio and paint again. I am still finding my way around the new studio and emptying boxes. I am very excited about getting settled into the new space.

Miranda and Audrey are doing well, which makes it easier juggling the real job, painting, and trips to Asheville. I can't wait for them to get to go home and get settled as a family.

Thanks for stopping by~


Friday, December 04, 2009

EBSQ-Etsy Featured Friday~~ it's ME!

Claudia's Calla Lilies
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Canvas

How very exciting to wake up this morning and find out I was selected as EBSQ-Etsy Featured Friday store at Etsy.com. This is the perfect end to a fabulous week! Thank you so much Kris for featuring my store.

I spent a wonderful day in Asheville with Miranda and Audrey Grace yesterday. They are both doing amazingly well. No more IV fluids for Audrey. Miranda can now hold her baby girl without her being tethered to her machines.

Now, everything is falling back into place. I am going to PAINT this weekend. So many things I want to paint! I took pictures on my way to Asheville. It was a beautiful day and I got great shots. There will definitely be new landscape paintings in the near future.

Well, off to work! Have a wonderful weekend~


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Audrey Grace Wood

Audrey Grace Wood
Born 11/21/09
3 lb, 1 ounce -- 16 inches long

To my friends who follow my blog and my work, I have been taking some time away from painting. Due to complications of pregnancy, my daughter Miranda, gave birth to my first grandchild earlier than expected. Audrey Grace Wood was born 10 weeks early. She is doing very well in the NICU and continuing to improve everyday, breathing on her own, sucking on her pacifier, and giving the nurses a hard time about taking a bath. We are very fortunate and blessed she is doing so well.
Miranda continues to struggle to improve. Her blood pressure remains high, but her pneumonia has improved. She has yet to see her baby girl because of infectious precaution isolation in the hospital. Hopefully, she will get to hold her soon. I am amazed at her strength and very proud of her. Dustin has been taking pictures and videos of the baby for Miranda to watch. He has been taking care of the pets, the house, trying to work, and spend time with Audrey since her mother cannot be there. He is a very special young man.
Miranda, Dustin, and Audrey will take up residence at the hospital in Asheville until it is time to bring Audrey home.

Thanks to everyone for your kindness throughout this difficult time.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Check this out! Daily Painters International Art Gallery

Daily Painters International Art Gallery

I am so very excited to be included in a group of International Artists showing and selling their work at Daily Painters International Art Gallery. This blog is updated daily by some of my favorite artists with their most recent paintings. Visit the gallery and get to know some incredible daily painters.

This is a new and exciting adventure coming for me just as I am moving into my new larger studio. I am so looking forward to participating!

Thanks for stopping by~


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Finally~ a new painting! Tea with Mint and Lemon

Tea with Mint and Lemon
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Tea with Mint and Lemon is a new painting currently available for purchase in my Etsy.com store and in my EBSQart.com gallery. There has been so much going on, there has not been time to paint. I am currently working to finish six commissioned pieces ranging from ballerina feet to bird's nests.

I should have the new series of pear paintings finished and listed by the end of the weekend.

I am in the process of moving to Charlotte and there has been no time to paint~~ plus, everything is being put in boxes! The new place has a much larger studio space and that means more painting can be done. It has been difficult to coordinate the move of the home office (the "real" job for the hospital) and set up a new studio while continuing to work, paint, and get ready for the new grandbaby.
The Baby Shower for Audrey Grace

Speaking of Audrey Grace, the baby shower was last month and it was just beautiful! Marcia, Audrey's other grandmother, decorated the rooms with balloons, fresh flowers, toys, and lots of pink and purple. It was a lovely shower. The staff at North Lake Country Club were so very nice and did such a wonderful job with the food and service. Now, we just wait.......Audrey is due to arrive January 25, 2010.

Well, off to pack more boxes,


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Paintings Available for Purchase!

DaVinci Chianti for One
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Add Image

Martini, Stirred VII

16" x 20"

Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas


Strawberry Martini

16" x 20"

Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

The Lily Pond II

16" x 20"

Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas


Pear IV

8" x 10"

Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas


More White Wine

8" x 10"

Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

A group of paintings that have been on loan to a gallery in Indiana have just been returned and are now available for purchase in my Etsy.com store and in my EBSQart.com gallery.

I had a wonderful time on my trip to Ohio. It was so much fun playing with Taylor at Miami University at Oxford, Ohio. Now that I am home, there is so much catching up to do. I do plan or participating in the newest painting challenge at Different Strokes from Different Folks. This time we are painting rooftops. I am thinking of painting mine very colorful and abstract....we will just have to see what happens.

The ballerina paintings are almost finished. I am hoping to have them finished by the end of the weekend. There is so much to do and so little time. I am working the "real job" this weekend and there is my nephew's wedding shower to attend on Sunday~ Congratulations Jeremy and Andrea!

Thanks for stopping by~


Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Big Adventure!

I am off to Ohio! Taking a break and heading off to visit Taylor at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. This is my first road trip from North Carolina to Ohio. I will be taking plenty of pictures for paintings later.

I have seven paintings to add to my gallery and stores when I get home!
Have a wonderful weekend, stop in again next week!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Golden Pear IV ~

The Golden Pear IV
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

The Golden Pear IV is a new pear painting available for purchase in my online EBSQart.com gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I am so sorry I have disappeared for so long. This has been a very busy couple of weeks. I have been planning the baby shower for Audrey Grace and Miranda. There is a family wedding in November and that shower is the week before Miranda's~ Congratulations Andrea and Jeremy. I am busy planning a new studio ~ bigger and better ~ for more painting, and then there is that pesky "real job" working for the hospital.

I am almost finished with the Ballerina paintings. It has taken longer than I expected, but these are the largest ballerinas I have painted. I will be finished by the weekend.

My online stores are almost empty~~ I have to get busy! I keep hearing Miranda's voice in my head, what she is usually yelling at her dog Sadie "Focus Sadie--Task at hand!"

Well, off to the studio to paint~
Thanks for stopping by,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sprinkles, New Cupcake Painting!

8" x 16"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have finished my "Different Strokes From Different Folks" painting. Sprinkles is available for purchase in my EBSQart.com gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I am currently working on the two new large ballerina paintings. They are coming along nicely and, hopefully, will be finished soon. They are 16" x 20" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.

There are so many paintings I want to get finished, but there is that baby shower coming up and there is so much to do.....speaking of the new grandbaby, Miranda did mention how nice the Sprinkles painting would look in the baby's room. If the painting disappears from the studio, I will know where to look for it!

Well, off to get something accomplished!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Pear Painting ~ The Golden Pear III

The Golden Pear III
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

The Golden Pear III is a new pear painting available for purchase in my EBSQart.com online gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

This week is flying by and I am trying to get the new large (16" x 20") ballerina paintings finished by the weekend.

I am also in the middle of designing a new studio with lots of cabinets and cubbies (thanks IKEA). I will keep you updated on the progress. It will be nice to have a place for everything and everything in its place......I hate searching for something that I did not put away!

Check back again soon,


Monday, September 07, 2009

Happy Labor Day! Holiday Pear ~ New Painting

Holiday Pear
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have had a wonderful long weekend with the family. I did manage to sneak some painting time when Miranda was taking pregger naps and Kevin was watching every sport imaginable on TV. I just finished Holiday Pear. It is available for purchase in my EBSQart.com Gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I have sketched my painting for the Different Strokes from Different Folks challenge. The painting will be 8" x 16" of colorful cupcakes. This is going to be a fun painting!

Also coming up: Large Ballerinas 16 x 20, a new rooster painting, and pomegranate wine~

Thanks for stopping by~


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Coffee and Cubes ~ New Painting!

Coffee and Cubes
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I take my camera everywhere in case something catches my eye for a painting later. This is Kevin's cup of coffee from the Flying Biscuit in Charlotte this past Saturday morning. This painting is available for purchase in my EBSQart.com Online Gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I am very excited to be a featured artist included on the front page of EBSQart.com. Stop by the website to read my interview and see how all of this started~

This has been a very busy time and I am struggling to get everything I want to paint finished. I do plan on participating in the Different Strokes for Different Folks painting challenge this week. Everyone is painting cupcakes!

Well, off to the studio to paint something new!


Friday, August 28, 2009

Afternoon Tea II ~ 6" x 6"

Afternoon Tea II
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I love painting flow blue china. I have painted this composition before and liked it so much, I did it again.This is a Flow Blue China teacup with tea and a floating slice of fresh lemon. This painting is currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com Online Gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

This week has flown by~ and there is still so much to do. There will soon be a new rooster painting, another large pear painting, and large ballerina paintings to come. I will be drawing most of this weekend, hopefully, with something suitable to post on Monday.

Well, off to weekend adventures!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blue Morning ~ New large painting

Blue Morning
30" x 40"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Blue Morning was painted for Courtney's new apartment. Originally she wanted the painting in red, yellow, brown, and gold. Luckily, I called her after I sketched the painting to confirm (and to let her know I was finally starting her painting) and she totally changed all the colors.

Coming up next~ more ballerinas, martinis, and pears! I have so many paintings floating around in my head, I have to get busy and get them all on canvas.

Thanks for stopping by~ now, off to paint!


Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a GIRL~ Audrey Grace Wood

Audrey Grace Wood

This is my granddaughter, due to arrive January 25, 2010. Audrey was yawning, tired of her privacy being invaded. Needless to say, I am very excited about my new granddaughter.
If I seem a bit distracted, it is her fault.

Off to the studio to finish the large painting for Courtney's new apartment, I will post a picture tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by~

Torrie, also known as Grandma. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Friday, New Martini Painting~

Three Olive Martini VI
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have not painted a large martini painting in a while. This painting was half started and sitting in the corner of the studio, I felt sorry for it and finished it so it would not have to linger alone neglected in the corner. Three Olive Martini VI is currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com Gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I had such a fun day yesterday when my painting "The Rocks of Lake Lure" was Art of the Day at EBSQart.com. Alas, my 24-hours is over and I am now a has-been. Thank you everyone for your kind words and emails.

I spent the afternoon yesterday looking for fixative to pursue my Doodle adventure. After driving 30 miles and visiting every art supply store in Gastonia (the fear of having to go all the way to Charlotte was beginning to set in) I found the only Windsor Newton fixative left in the city. I am very proud of myself for not stepping into Krispy Kreme.....the hot light was on!

After work this afternoon is the big decision......play with pastels and new fixative, or mop the nasty kitchen floor............I am not expecting company---no one but me will see the floor......
I will be drawing and playing in the studio; the dirty kitchen floor will be there tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by,


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Rocks of Lake Lure, Art of the Day~ EBSQart.com

The Rocks of Lake Lure
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I am so very excited to have "The Rocks of Lake Lure" selected for Art of the Day at EBSQart.com I don't paint very many landscapes and this is a favorite of mine. It was purchased from eBay.com by the current owner of The Lake Lure Inn and Spa for their Gallery. I am so happy it found a home at Lake Lure.

I have hit a small glitch in my pastel doodle adventure. ~No fixative. There is no art store in town, so ROAD TRIP! I will be off to the art supply store by the end of the week. Then, I will be back to work with the pastel doodles. Art supply stores are very dangerous for me, wandering down every aisle and looking at all the fabulous art supplies~wondering how much of it I can fit into the car......

I have spent this evening working on a large martini painting (16" x 20"). I should have it finished by the end of the week.

Thanks for stopping by,


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Asparagus and Tomato

Asparagus and Tomato
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have fallen in love with the Farmer's Market in Charlotte. This is the first painting of one of my wonderful finds at the market. I think I have become addicted to asparagus! Asparagus and Tomato is currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com online gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I have been working on my new adventure in "Doodles". The first doodles will be added to the blog tomorrow. There will be pear doodles and a series of "Torso" doodles. These are all done in pastel on paper. They will be available for purchase, but only in my Etsy.com store.

Well, off to varnish paintings and then "Doodle". I have rented a movie that needs to go back, so I better watch it tonight!

Have a wonderful evening~


Monday, August 10, 2009

New Painting - Morning Cup

Morning Cup
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Happy Monday! Morning Cup just listed today is a new coffee painting. I am not a coffee drinker, just a coffee painter. This painting is available for purchase in my EBSQart.com online gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I have so many projects started it is difficult to list them all! I am working on Ballerina paintings, martini, and wine paintings.

Tomorrow, I will be listing a pastel drawing of a pear and updating you on my new adventure in "Doodles".

Well, off to the studio, there is an asparagus painting that is screaming to be finished!

Thanks for stopping by,


Monday, August 03, 2009

Happy Monday! New Pear Painting~

8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Pear VIII is the newest pear painting available for purchase in my EBSQart.com online gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

This weekend I spent drawing. I have sketched new compositions on canvas to begin painting this evening. I will be painting a cup of coffee, a cup of tea with lemon, and a pomegranate wine painting. I guess I was thirsty......

I have also been working on the large painting for Courtney. She has mentioned the big blank wall in her apartment on several occasions. I will post a picture of the painting for you to see when it is done.

Well, off to the studio, so much to do~

Thanks for stopping by,


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does This Make My Butt Look Big ~ New Rooster Painting

Does This Make My Butt Look Big ~
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

The Robin's Nest III
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I have just finished two new paintings and they are currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com online gallery and in my Etsy.com Store.

Does This Make My Butt Look Big is a fancy rooster admiring his brightly colored tail.

The Robin's Nest III is a much requested painting. I am glad I enjoy painting it, since I have done it several times.

I will be painting a colorful pear today on an 8" x 10" gallery wrapped canvas. It should be available for purchase by the weekend.

Well, time to take Stella for a walk and then off to paint.

Have a wonderful evening,


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Anonymous - New painting today!

16" x 20"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

This is my third and last entry into the "Ripped Off" Show at EBSQart.com. Barbara Jensen, an incredible artist, asked me to partner with her. I was thrilled with the opportunity. Barbara paints such beautiful women, it was hard to select just one. I chose to rip her Nora in Nets painting. I don't often paint nudes, so this was quite the challenge. I struggled with the face, so I just left it blank, but this also leaves the opportunity to use your imagination for the face. I had so much fun, I will have to paint more.

This painting is available for purchase at my Etsy.com store.

Now, more painting! I have been busy with "real life" and have not been painting as much as I like. Time to get busy~

Thanks for stopping by,


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Painting! Just Lemons ~

Just Lemons
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Just Lemons is the last of the lemon paintings for now. This painting is available for purchase in my Online Gallery and in my Etsy.com store. I love painting lemons, but I have to get busy and finish my "Ripped Off" entries. Once I have finished the nekked lady....up next are:

Martini paintings
Poppy landscape
Bird's Nest painting
Finish the Red Hydrangeas for Courtney
and something special for Kevin

This should keep me busy for a while.

Thanks for stopping by~


"Ripped Off" Show Entry~ Dee's Red Daisy

Dee's Red Daisy
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Red Daisy
Dee Flouton

This is my latest entry in the "Ripped Off"Show at EBSQart.com . I partnered with Dee Flouton and painted her logo "Red Daisy". Dee ripped off several of my paintings. Stop by the show and check it out, it is so much fun participating.

I will be completing one more painting for the show. It will be a nekked lady. I have only painted one other nude and I am not sure how it will turn out. I will post it as soon as it is completed.

Thanks so much for stopping by~


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two New Paintings! Hint of a Pear and Lemons and Blue Creamer

Lemons and Blue Creamer
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Hint of a Pear
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Two new paintings available for purchase! Lemons and Blue Creamer and Hint of a Pear are currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com and in my Etsy.com store.

After the temporary distraction of the new paintings, I am back to working on the "Ripped Off" paintings. The month is flying by and I had better get busy!

Off to the studio!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Apple and Lemons ~ New Painting Today!

Apple and Lemons
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Taking just a short break from painting pears. This is Apple and Lemons currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com gallery and my Etsy.com store. I have another lemon painting in progress.

I am finishing up my second entry in the "Ripped Off" show at EBSQart.com. I am ripping off the logo painting of Dee Flouton. It is an 8" x 10" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.

Well, off to the studio,

Thanks for stopping by~


Thursday, July 09, 2009

New Pear Painting~ Trio of Red Pears

Trio of Red Pears
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

New pear painting available for purchase. Trio of Red Pears is three wine red pears with the muted gray/green background that I love to paint. This painting is currently available for purchase in my EBSQart.com gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I am currently working on the second of my "Ripped Off" entries. I will be posting the finished painting next week.

Also, coming soon~ new Robin's nest painting, martinis, lemon still life, and a new poppy landscape. I will be out this weekend taking reference photos and getting new ideas for more paintings!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Claudia's Calla Lilies ~ Ripped Off Show Entry

Claudia's Calla Lilies
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Detail image

Calla Lilies
Claudia Goodell

I have finished my first entry in the "Ripped Off" Show at EBSQart.com. Claudia Goodell was so nice to pair up with me this year. Looking through her portfolio, I so wanted to paint one of her lovely roses....but, I know the limits of my talents. Visit her EBSQart.com gallery and you will see her fabulous work!

Now, back to work! So much to do, so little time.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bananas with Pomegranates ~ New Today!

Bananas with Pomegranates
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

New today, Bananas with Pomegranates, available for purchase in my EBSQart.com online gallery and in my Etsy.com store. I have been working on a large pear painting commission and took a break to paint this small banana painting. I will be finishing the pear painting later today.

After that, I will be finishing up my "Ripped Off" entries and sneaking in a few small paintings along the way.

Thanks for checking in ~


Monday, June 29, 2009

New Pear Painting, Harvest Pear II

Harvest Pear II
5" x 7"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Getting back to work, this is the newest pear painting available for purchase. Harvest Pear II is currently listed in my EBSQart.com Online Gallery and in my Etsy.com store.

I have been enjoying my time with friends and family this summer and it is time to get back to work. In the studio, I am finishing up a large pear painting commission. Then, I will be completing my entries into the "Ripped Off" show in July on EBSQart.com. Artists I will be "ripping off" are:

So many new paintings in the works, check back again soon.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tiny Dancers ~ New Ballerina Painting

Tiny Dancers

8" x 10"

Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas


This is the newest ballerina painting just finished today. This painting is available for purchase in my EBSQart.com gallery and in my Etsy.com store. This was a fun painting to do...the next and last ballerina painting for a while will be finished by the weekend.

Time to get busy with commissions and paintings for the July show at EBSQart.com.

I am off to the studio, thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Ballerina II ~ New Ballet Painting today~

The Ballerina II
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Just finished The Ballerina II~ this painting is available for purchase in my EBSQart.com gallery and in my Etsy.com store. There are two more ballerina paintings in progress in the studio. There is a ballerina in red- I just picked up a fabulous new red paint from Cheap Joe's in Charlotte, I had to try it out! The other new painting is two little dancers warming up. Hopefully, these will be finished by next week.

There are just a few more days of my vacation, I am trying to make good use of my painting time, but there are so many "incidentals" that need to be attended to before I get back into the routine of the nine to five job-get the oil changed in the car, clean up the yard from the last storm, finish the laundry.......so much to do.

Time to go paint~
